The Coley Street School Curriculum has undergone continued transformation, and sits very comfortable with the philosophy of the new National Curriculum Document. Our development as an Inquiry School has resulted in significant changes to the way our staff and children regard teaching and learning, and how they view the world. Thinking skills and learning styles are taught school wide.
Coley Street School provides instruction in the essential learning areas of:
Language, Mathematics, The Arts, Inquiry (Science, Social Studies, Technology, Health) and Physical Education
These learning areas are broad categories of knowledge and understanding that the school redefines and clarifies more specifically in curriculum delivery policies and procedures. Parents are invited to view these documents by request through the office.
Coley Street School has developed an Inquiry Learning Model which fosters the development of thinking skills, caters for different learning styles, and allows for the natural integration of IT school wide. This has proven a significant development in our school, and has resulted in considerable changes to teaching programmes, and has had many benefits in terms of children's learning and attitude. Social Studies, Science, Health, and Technology themes are incorporated into Inquiry Learning.
The New Zealand Curriculum also specifies eight, groupings of essential skills to be developed by students across the whole curriculum throughout their years of schooling.
Communication Skills Numeracy Skills
Information Skills Problem Solving Skills
Self-Management and Competition Skills Physical Skills
Social and Co-operative Skills Work and Study Skills
These essential skills are important if students are to achieve to their potential and to participate fully in society, including the world of work. In planning learning programmes, the school ensures that all students have the opportunity to develop the full range of the essential skills to the best of their ability.