Coley Street School

(06) 363 8117 51 Coley Street, Foxton, 4814
Coley Street School
Caring Striving Thinking Proud


Please name all clothing and shoes, and in the swimming season underclothes as well. We can only trace owners of lost property items when they are named. We do ask that clothes be adequate, clean and tidy, and appropriate for school activities. 


We do not have a daily school uniform but we do provide sports uniforms. If your child is issued a uniform for a sports event or season please return it promptly as they are always in demand.

All children need to bring a school sunhat which is named and to be worn during terms 1 and 4. These hats need to remain at school and should not be taken home. These are to be used for morning interval, lunchtimes and outside activities. We have a 'no hat, no play' policy for health and safety reasons.