Homework is viewed as an extension of school activities and a means of reinforcing learning and developing and practicing independent study skills. It should be a positive experience between parent and student, and is not compulsory.
Students in junior classes will bring home reading material most nights, and a log to record their reading shared at home.
Students in year 3 to 8 may use a homework communication book/notebook and teachers explain their expectation in letters to parents at the beginning of the school year.
Regular homework tasks include reading, spelling and mathematic basic facts. Homework involving topic and project work is spread over several days.
It is recommended that time allocated to homework be limited to 30 minutes per day, or 2 hours per week. We believe children should have the opportunity to take part in a range of after school activities.
Most of all homework should be an opportunity for families to share in the learning of their children and needs to be a positive and affirming experience.
We offer an after school Study Centre funded by the Ministry of Education. Children receive some one on one homework support, reading, ICT and social time. Students will receive afternoon tea snacks.
NB Homework should be a positive experience for everyone concerned.